Annual Meeting Abstract Submission


The American College of Rheumatology and Association of Rheumatology Professionals invite you to submit an abstract to ACR Convergence and take advantage of the opportunity to have your work peer reviewed by experts in the field.

Abstract News

Abstract submission is closed. Notification of abstract acceptance will be sent in early September.


Late-breaking abstract submission opens on September 5.

Abstract Submission Eligibility

Persons Eligible to Submit

  • Members and non-members of the ACR and ARP are eligible to submit an abstract.
  • Employees or owners of ineligible companies may be the presenting author of an abstract. Abstract sessions do not have CME credit. 

Abstracts Eligible for Submission

  • Abstracts that have been previously accepted and/or presented at other medical meetings and published in conference proceedings (“encore” abstracts) are eligible for submission. These abstracts will go through the same peer review process as any other abstracts. 
  • Abstracts describing original basic and clinical science related to the broad area of rheumatic diseases may be submitted. 
  • Abstracts reporting results of a clinical trial will be required to identify the trial phase. 
  • Any work with human or animal subjects reported in submitted abstracts must comply with the guiding principles for experimental procedures found in the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association. 

Abstracts Not Eligible for Submission

  • Abstracts should not report results that have been previously presented at an ACR/ARP Annual Meeting. 
  • An abstract is ineligible for consideration if it reports work that has been accepted for publication as a manuscript (e.g., full-length article, brief report, case report, concise communication or letter to the editor, etc.) prior to the submission deadline of June 18, noon ET.
  • Multiple abstracts may not be submitted for one study unless substantially different research questions are being addressed in each abstract.
  • Abstracts submitted for the ARP program may not be concurrently submitted to the ACR program. 
  • Case reports are not considered appropriate and will not be reviewed. We encourage those with interesting cases or images to consider submission to the Thieves Market, Image Competition or Global Summit. See separate submission processes. 
  • Abstracts not accepted in the main abstract review submission should not be re-submitted to the late-breaking category. 

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstract Submission Timeline

The abstract submission deadline is June 18, noon ET. Notifications will be sent in early September.

Abstract Withdrawal

Prior to notification of acceptance:

After noon ET on Tuesday, June 18, presenting authors may submit a request to have an abstract withdrawn. All requests for withdrawal can only be made by the presenting author and must be submitted via email to:

Withdrawal requests must include the following:

  • Abstract ID Number
  • Abstract Title
  • Presenting Author's Name

Removal of a withdrawn abstract from the online supplement of Arthritis & Rheumatology cannot be guaranteed if the request is received after September 5. However, the abstract can still be removed from appearing in the ACR Convergence online program after that date.

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