Annual Meeting Press Registration


Press registration for ACR Convergence 2023 is closed. Copies of the meeting press releases are available in ACR’s newsroom, and recordings of the press conferences can be found on the meeting platform. Registered press will have access to the press conferences and recorded sessions from the meeting through October 31, 2024. Please send your coverage to

Policies for ACR Convergence 2023 can be viewed below for reference.


Policies for ACR Convergence 2024 will be available late July 2024.

All requests for press credentials are subject to review/approval by ACR staff, and approval one year doesn’t guarantee approval the following. News outlets/publications that meet the following criteria are eligible to have up to two (2) employed journalists and/or freelancers apply for press credentials. Requests for additional registrations may be submitted to if a publication can show the volume of coverage planned requires additional team members.

If the outlet/publication a journalist is working for does not meet the following eligibility criteria, their request will be denied. Requirements include:

  • The news outlets/publication must publish original, editorial news coverage about the practice of rheumatology regularly throughout the year in an ongoing news section. For the purpose of ACR press credentials, original editorial news coverage is considered original articles/videos developed by employed journalists to report facts, commentary, and subject matter expert quotes in a narrative form using a variety of sources (e.g., research, announcements, press releases, events, etc.).
  • Advertisers, sponsors, paid editorials, and other funding sources must be clearly identified.
  • Complete editorial freedom from advertisers, funders and/or sponsors is required - the determination to cover the event should be driven by the outlet/publication’s editorial focus and audience independent of external sponsorship or an organization paying for the content to be developed.
  • No requirements for reprinting of slides, research studies, abstracts, and/or copyright privileges as part of working with the outlet/publication.

The following outlets/publications and individuals are not eligible for press credentials:

  • Freelancers without an active work assignment from an eligible news outlet/publication and/or those who wish to attend the meeting to draft articles for pitching to publications after the event.
  • Persons with exhibitor, vendor, or attendee registrations, and any personnel or companies working with said individuals to produce content at the meeting.
  • Publishers or a publications’ advertising, marketing, public relations, sales, or circulation personnel and any other non-editorial function representatives.
  • Scientific and medical journals that do not develop and publish original, editorial news coverage in a non-peer reviewed regular news section separate from its publication throughout the year.
  • Industry/exhibitor’s press officers and their public relations consultants, communications firms, audio/video teams, etc. Exhibitors wishing to film marketing and public relations videos, such as KOLs, are allowed to do so at their booths during non-exhibit hall hours with written approval from the exhibit hall staff. Please contact Kelli Wondra at with requests and questions.
  • Financial or business analysts.
  • Companies that develop CME and other educational programs/events (including CME writers, editors, and individuals working on behalf of organizations that have written CME based on ACR/ARP meetings in the past).
  • Executive/management personnel of outlets/publications and organizations.
  • Companies/organizations and employees thereof, producing publications, videos, and/or other electronic media intended for internal use, marketing, advertising, financial analysis, or public relations purposes.
  • Media/communications companies producing content that is sponsored by a single organization or whose revenue for the publication or issue of a publication depends solely on coverage of the ACR’s meeting.
  • Media who produce a communications vehicle that uses the ACR’s name or logo to imply endorsement from the ACR.

NOTE: The ACR reserves the right to impose further limitations on the number of badges issued as necessary.

Special Considerations for Press Credentials

Bloggers wishing to be considered for press credentials must submit a letter that includes details about the blog’s audience, content focus, and minimum number of articles that will be produced. The required work samples must include copies of, or links to, recent rheumatology-related posts, and all blogs must demonstrate that original, editorial news coverage is disseminated throughout the year and that the blog has editorial freedom from advertisers and/or sponsors (single-sponsored blogs will not receive credentials; blogs with advertising must have multiple advertisers clearly identified).

Non-Writing Editors
An outlet/publication may send one non-writing editor if there is a plan in place to assign editorial coverage during or immediately following the meeting. The editor must submit an assignment letter on the publication’s letterhead that explains what their role is, what type of content they will be assigning, the minimum number of articles that will be produced, and their plans for disseminating the articles. A non-writing editor counts toward the maximum number of press registrations an outlet/organization can have.

Photographers, videographers, and/or other members of the multimedia team accompanying credentialed news outlets must submit an assignment letter with their registration that includes information about their specific role and the type of multimedia they will be creating. Photographer/videographer/multimedia registrations count towards the registrations allowed per organization.

Individuals registered as press are strictly prohibited from engaging in the following activities. Violation of these parameters will result in loss of press credentials for the offending journalists and/or outlet/organization for future meetings:

  • Sales, marketing, or representing a company for the purposes of obtaining advertising, subscriptions, selling photography/video production, or other products or services from any registrant or exhibitor.
  • Misrepresentation of role or activities to obtain media registration.
  • Sharing or distributing embargoed materials prior to the end of the embargo.
  • Developing or assisting in the development of continuing medical education (CME) programs.
  • Soliciting presenters and/or attendees for inclusion in CME programs or non-ACR publications.
  • Publishing or posting presentation slides or copyrighted meeting materials or live streams of meeting presentations (please see the ACR’s policies on abstract reprints and citations for information on how to obtain written permission to share an abstract).
  • Capturing screenshots and/or recording any part of ACR Convergence for the purpose of (but not limited to) reposting (including social media), reprinting, or other commercial use.

All cameras must be pre-approved by the public relations staff. Please indicate in your assignment letter whether you will be using a camera or video camera during the event. All persons with pre-approved devices will be issued a badge that contains a sticker indicating they are authorized to have their camera during the meeting. If you do not have one of these stickers, convention staff members are permitted to stop you from using your device.

All registered media are asked to observe the following policies regarding filming, audio recording, and photography during ACR Convergence 2023:

  • When in sessions – filming, live streaming, and use of flash photography is strictly prohibited. Handheld audio recorders may be used in sessions for the sole purpose of reporting accuracy, assuming all intellectual property rights will be respected. Photos may be taken with permission from the presenter/speaker. Photos and/or audio recordings must be captured in a non-disruptive manner that does not disturb the presenter and other attendees.
  • Capturing video of the Exhibit Hall is strictly prohibited, and interviews should take place outside of the Exhibit Hall.
  • Capturing general photos and wide shots of the Exhibit Hall is prohibited. Press who would like general photos of the Exhibit Hall can obtain these after the meeting from the ACR by contacting
  • In public areas, moving video recordings are limited to interviews with presenters/attendees, general b-roll, live video updates, and establishing shots.
  • The press conference room may be used to capture interviews when not in use by ACR staff.
  • Any images from the meeting should be credited to ACR Convergence 2023.

Insignias and logos of ACR Convergence, ACR, ARP, and Rheumatology Research Foundation are proprietary marks. Use of these in any fashion, by any entity, for any purpose, is prohibited without the written permission of the ACR. The use of insignias, logos, and images that mislead the intended audience to believe that a piece or production is coming from the ACR is strictly prohibited and will result in the denial of press credentials for future meetings.

All those participating in, or otherwise in attendance at, ACR meetings and events are subject to the ACR Educational Meeting Code of Conduct, which can be found, in full, on the ACR website.

The ACR is committed, and expects its staff, guests, and participants to be committed, to providing a friendly, safe, and welcoming environment for all, regardless of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status. By submitting a press registration request you are agreeing to read and abide by all aspects of the ACR Educational Meeting Code of Conduct.

Any actual or suspected violation of the Code of Conduct should be promptly reported to ACR staff or online using the Educational Activity Code of Conduct Report Form. Violators are subject to expulsion from any or all aspects of the meeting or event.

If you intend to present coverage of ACR Convergence 2023 in a dedicated website, newsletter, or promotional piece of any kind, please include the following disclaimer at the top of your piece:

This information is brought to you by [insert organization name] and is not sponsored by, nor a part of, the American College of Rheumatology.

Additionally, you may not use the ACR Convergence 2023 logo nor company name to imply affiliation. Acceptable titles of your coverage are as follows:

  • Highlights from the ACR Convergence 2023
  • ACR Convergence 2023 Highlights
  • ACR Convergence 2023 Review

The ACR reserves the right to request promotional activities violating this policy be edited or removed. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in the loss of press credentials for future meetings.

Does the ACR share its media list?
The ACR does not share, rent, or sell the current or past list of registrants with attendees, exhibitors, or their representative public relations and marketing agencies.

Does the embargo lift on all presentations/abstracts at the same time?
Yes. The embargo lifts on all presentations on November 7 at 10:00 AM ET, regardless of when it is presented.

Can we apply for extra press badges?
Requests for additional press badges will be considered on a case-by-case basis. You will be asked to show that you the amount of coverage you have planned requires more passes than what is being offered and cannot be facilitated with the additional access to the on-demand content that has been provided. If your request is denied, you are still able to purchase meeting access for additional team members.

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