
Make a Difference
Whether you choose to support our advocacy work, our Foundation research and training programs, or both, your generosity makes it possible to continue our efforts to educate key influencers on the value of rheumatologists and rheumatology health professionals, and to positively impact patients living with rheumatic diseases.
RheumPAC is the ACR’s non-partisan political action committee (PAC). RheumPAC advances the ACR’s mission through interactions with Congress, federal government agencies, state legislative and regulatory bodies, private insurers, and other policymaking groups.
See RheumPAC Details
*Must be a US member to contribute to RheumPAC
“RheumPAC is the voice of rheumatology providers and patients on Capitol Hill and supports federal lawmakers who can move the needle on issues that impact rheumatology.”
Douglas White, MD, PhD
ACR Past President
Rheumatology Research Foundation
Since 1985, the Rheumatology Research Foundation has invested more than $205 million directly into its two mission priorities: rheumatology research and training.
Making a gift to the Foundation helps to improve the lives of patients with rheumatic diseases by helping to fund breakthrough research and supporting the education and training of future rheumatology professionals.
Learn more about the Rheumatology Research Foundation