ACR/ARP Membership
Founded in 1934, ACR is a non-profit, professional membership organization committed to excellence in advancing the study of rheumatology and treatment of rheumatic disease.
About the American College of Rheumatology
With nearly 10,000 physicians, health professionals, researchers, medical students, and scientists worldwide, the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) is the home of the rheumatology community. Founded in 1934, ACR is a non-profit, professional membership organization committed to excellence in advancing the study of rheumatology and treatment of rheumatic disease. On the forefront of cutting-edge information with countless opportunities for rheumatology professionals to expand their networks and build strong education foundations for their teams, ACR, along with its charitable arm, the Rheumatology Research Foundation, empowers you to break barriers in patient care.
The ACR has introduced its 2022–2027 Strategic Plan combining a broad, ambitious, and aspirational agenda focused on new innovations in rheumatology, nurturing an inclusive culture, and supporting the expansion of the rheumatology workforce.
About the Association of Rheumatology Professionals
The Association of Rheumatology Professionals (ARP) is the interprofessional division of the American College of Rheumatology, supporting the needs of this diverse group of interprofessionals working in the medical subspeciality of rheumatology by providing professional training and development, research, advocacy, and practice resources.
Membership Means Excellence
Your ACR/ARP membership puts you on the forefront of cutting-edge information, provides countless opportunities to expand your network, and supports your team and its strong foundation of education and support.
Membership Means ExcellenceOn the Forefront
The ACR and ARP put you on the forefront in the mission of empowering rheumatology professionals to excel and break barriers in patient care.
On the ForefrontExpand Your Network
Joining the ACR/ARP allows you to be part of a global community that welcomes, accepts, and celebrates the diversity of professionals like you who serve the field of rheumatology.
Expand Your NetworkIt's About Your Team
Help your team build the strong foundation needed to improve patient outcomes by becoming an ACR or ARP member.
It's About Your TeamInternational Membership
The ACR and ARP are proud to offer membership to international physicians, researchers, and rheumatology professionals.
International MembershipSmall Team Membership
Designed for teams of physicians and interprofessionals based anywhere in the world, Small Team Membership equips the entire rheumatology team with the most trusted research, resources, and education.
Small Team MembershipJoin ACR/ARP Community
You’re invited to join ACR/ARP today. Learn more about which ACR or ARP membership type is right for you.
Join ACR/ARP CommunityResources for Rheumatology Professionals
Enhance your professional expertise with our comprehensive suite of tools, educational opportunities, grants, awards, and resources.
Resources for Rheumatology ProfessionalsProfessional Communities
Join like-minded health professionals all over the world through the ACR’s online professional communities.
Professional CommunitiesMembership FAQs
Learn more about ACR/ARP membership options, including the new Small Team Membership.
Membership FAQs