Professional Communities

The American College of Rheumatology’s professional online communities join like-minded health professionals all over the world. ACR members can easily connect with peers at any time from any place. The groups are designed to improve communication between and among members; offer a forum to exchange ideas; and allow members to benefit from the experience, knowledge, and wisdom of their colleagues.
See information below to learn how to join a group, change your settings, participate in discussions, and view the archives.
Participation is restricted to current ACR/ARP members. Some groups are open to all members and some groups are open to members who have a specific focus area.
Groups Open to All ACR/ARP Members
The following groups are open to all current ACR/ARP members. If you are interested in joining a group that is open to all members, please see the section Join a Group.
- Advocacy Group – Group Contact: Adam Cooper
- VERA Group – Group Contact: Sheryl McCalla
Groups Open to Some ACR/ARP Members
The following groups are for current ACR/ARP members with a specific focus. Eligible members will receive an email invitation from an ACR staff member to join a group.
- ACR Division Directors
- ACR Fellows in Training
- ACR Pediatric Program Directors
- ACR Program Directors
- ACR Program Coordinators
Group Contact: Connie Herndon
All ACR groups are private, i.e., not open to the general public. It is necessary to have a Google account to join a group and participate in discussions.
Groups Open to all ACR/ARP Members
If you don’t have a Google account, create a Google account - go to
- Login to your Google account
- Go to the page of the group you would like to join (see list of groups in section above)
- Click the link to request to join the group and then complete the required fields; tips:
- My display name field – ensure you enter a display name
- Email delivery preference field – if you would like to receive email notifications, update this section (the default is ‘don’t send email updates’)
- Wait 24–48 hours to receive an email notification that you have been added to the group
Groups Open to Some ACR/ARP Members
The Group Owner (ACR staff member) will send you an email invitation to join the group. We will send it to the email on your ACR account (the email you use to login to If you would like to use a different email, please contact the Group Owner.
The invitation email will contain instructions on how to accept the invitation and create your Google account.
If you don’t receive the email invitation, please contact the Group Owner.
Please read the ACR’s professional communities rules and etiquette before posting messages.
There are two ways to post a new message: go to the group’s page on Google Groups or send an email to the group.
Post Message on Google Groups
- Go to Google Groups and login -
- Click My Groups
- Click the group name
- Click the button ‘New Topic’
Post Message by Email
You must be a member of the group and send the email from the email associated with your Google Groups account.
Send an email to (X is the name of group, e.g.,
Notification Settings
You can select how often you would like to receive email notifications of group activity, e.g., each message or daily summary, or if you prefer not to receive email notifications.
- Go to Google Groups and login -
- Click My Groups
- To the right of the group name there is a button with a dropdown menu – select desired option, e.g., don’t send email updates
Update your Google Account Information
Login to Google Groups and click the circle with your initial on the top right > then click My Account.
Update your Display Name on your Groups
- Go to Google Groups and login -
- Click My Groups
- Click the group name
- (top right) Click Members
- Find your name – click change
- Enter what you would like for your display name and then click Save
- Go to Google Groups and login -
- Click My Groups
- To the right of the group name, click the button ‘Leave this group’
Rules & Etiquette
The ACR’s professional online communities exist as a forum for our members to share ideas, thoughts, and experiences pertaining to the field of rheumatology and related issues. As the host of these online member communities, the ACR is committed to creating a positive and beneficial experience for all. These communities do not exist to foster attacks against others or the College. Any attacks, personal criticisms, or threats are outside of the defined purpose for the ACR’s online community and will not be tolerated.
By joining and participating in these online member communities, you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to follow the rules and etiquette guidelines that have been established. You also acknowledge that you have read and understand the disclaimer and general information below.
Stay on topic. Good contributions help the entire community by providing relevant, insightful information or asking important questions. Do not post inappropriate or unrelated content, including inappropriate jokes, humorous stories, or “pass-around” emails. Personal exchanges/conversations between individuals should take place outside of the online member community.
Be discreet. Do not discuss monetary amounts of reimbursement for procedures or medications and do not use any patient identifiable information.
Maintain professional behavior. Keep it clean, keep it friendly. Every post should make a positive contribution. The community is open to all points of view on the intended topics; mature, polite debate is encouraged. Attacks or cyber-bullying will not be tolerated. The communities are meant to stimulate conversation and trigger the exchange of best practices, not to create contention. Contradictory opinions are of course welcomed, but should always be thoughtful and respectful, rather than emotional, impulsive, or anger-driven.
Avoid any activity that could be construed as a violation of the antitrust laws. The ACR’s policy is to scrupulously comply with all antitrust laws and to prohibit any activity that facilitates price fixing, boycotts, or any other conduct intended to restrict free trade. Do not post any material that:
- Discusses prices, discounts, terms or conditions of sale with regard to medical services, suppliers, or other vendors or terms and conditions of provider agreements relating to reimbursement levels, bonus payments, and other price or cost-related items
- Addresses salaries or terms of employment
- Attempts to allocate patient markets or encourage collective or coercive activity, including rejection or termination, with regard to third party payors, hospitals, other health care providers, or suppliers
- Includes information that could otherwise be construed to impose a restraint on trade and inhibit free and fair competition
Do not post commercial messages or marketing information of any kind. ACR online communities may not be used by subscribers to distribute marketing, advertising, promotional, or any similar content. Any such messaging will be considered a violation of the online member community rules and will generate action described in the disclaimer and general information below. Individuals wishing to share commercial resources, services, contact information, or related information must do so outside of the online member community through one-on-one member contact.
Job postings are prohibited. Job postings are not permitted and should be channeled through ACR CareerConnection.
Submit only your own, original content. Help us maintain the community's integrity and observe the intellectual property rights of others by only submitting content you have personally written or else used with permission and properly attributed. The community should not be used to distribute unauthorized copies of any copyrighted material.
Make your subject line concise, accurate, and specific. This makes it easier for people to respond appropriately. Remember your readers and try to follow standard email etiquette. Also, when replying, make sure your response is listed at the top of the original email.
Send a personal message to the individual sender if the email will only relate to the original sender. This includes such messages as “thanks” and “send the information to me too.”
Use the right channels for questions and complaints. ACR online communities are not the appropriate platforms to resolve personal issues or start disputes against any member or organization. Questions regarding ACR resources, opportunities, and services for practices and ACR/ARP members should be directed to the appropriate contact in our online member directory. Send all messages that directly relate to the functioning of the online member community to the community administrator.
On occasion, you may receive an unwanted email from a disreputable source misrepresenting itself as the ACR. Please see our general guidelines below regarding this type of spam.
- If you receive a suspicious email, be sure not to select any links or downloads in the message and do not reply to the email.
- It is often very difficult to tell for sure since the scammers adjust their tactics. So, if you have the slightest doubt it is best to err on the side of caution.
- Note that phishing emails can also lure you to open suspicious attachments or visit websites that can infect your computer with malware.
There are many telltale signs of a fraudulent email:
- False Sense of Urgency – Many scam emails tell you that your account will be in jeopardy if something critical is not updated right away.
- Fake Links – These may look real, but they can lead you astray. Check where a link is going before you click by hovering over the URL in an email and comparing it to the URL in the browser. If it looks suspicious, don't click.
- Attachments – Attachments can contain malware, so you should never open an attachment unless you are 100% sure it's legitimate.
The ACR reserves the right to take immediate action based on any post that we feel violates the rules of conduct outlined above. Such action includes, but is not limited to, issuing warnings, suspending accounts, and terminating accounts.
The ACR online member community is provided as a benefit to members of the ACR and ARP to communicate and exchange ideas regarding topics of importance to the field of rheumatology. The ACR and ARP are not responsible for the opinions and information posted on the online community groups. The ACR does not guarantee the accuracy or adequacy of any opinion expressed on the groups. Accordingly, the ACR does not assume any liability for damages due to reliance on any information contained in messages on the groups.
The ACR does not actively monitor the online community for inappropriate posts. If a member believes that a post is defamatory, abusive, threatening, profane, offensive, or illegal, the member should contact the ACR commmunity administrator immediately. The ACR will, in its sole discretion, take appropriate action to stop further inappropriate posts as the ACR is notified. ACR reserves the right to moderate, temporarily suspend, or terminate any user who does not abide by the guidelines and rules listed above at any time without providing prior warning to the user.
A member who does not abide by the online community rules will be contacted by ACR staff or the appropriate volunteer in writing and reminded of the rules and the action the ACR will take if he/she continues to not abide by the rules.
If the member continues to violate the rules, he/she will be moderated on all ACR groups for six months and notified of his/her moderation status by ACR staff or the appropriate volunteer in writing. Moderation means that his/her posts to the online community will be reviewed by ACR staff prior to posting.
If the member continues to violate the rules after his/her moderation status is over, he/she will be suspended from participating in ACR groups for one year and notified of this action in writing. If the member continues to break the rules after the one year suspension period is over, he/she will be terminated from participation in all ACR online community.
Google Groups
The ACR online member community is powered by Google Groups. Google Groups is a third party platform available to the public for online communications. The College is not affiliated with Google Groups nor does it have any control or influence over the platform itself, its design, function, or security. As such, the College is not liable for any technical issues that may occur nor are we able to provide technical support for these groups.
The ACR may modify this information at any time, and your continued use of the online community signifies your agreement to such modified terms. If you are victim of, or witness to inappropriate content in any of the ACR online community discussion threads, please notify ACR immediately by emailing us.