Image Library


Searching for a broad range of rheumatology images? Need a common condition image or want to view a rare condition? The Image Library has a comprehensive collection of 2,000+ images on a wide range of rheumatology diseases and conditions. ACR/ARP members can get an inside look into the world of rheumatology from a rheumatologist’s perspective.

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ACR/ARP Members: Browse and download rheumatology images.


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Image Use Permissions

Copyright law covers all images and captions in the ACR Rheumatology Image Library published by the American College of Rheumatology, including images and captions displayed at ACR Convergence, the ACR's annual meeting. No images may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the ACR with the exception of oral educational presentations for non-commercial educational, informational, and research purposes. See the ACR Rheumatology Image Library License and Terms of Use. For the purposes of this statement, the term “reproduce” includes all forms of reproduction, including, but not limited to, print, electronic, and photographed formats.

Image Approval Process

By this license, you are granted the right to use the ACR Image Library for non-commercial educational, informational, and research purposes only. You are not granted a right to use the ACR Image Library for the purpose of journalism, investigation, or reporting absent a specific license granted by ACR, and you may not use the ACR Image Library for any commercial purpose. The images and associated captions of the ACR Image Library may be copied and used for oral educational presentations delivered by you along with any supporting documents needed for the presentation. ACR requests that you appose to images taken from the ACR Image Library a notice of Copyright ownership to ACR in the form of “Copyright (year of creation of presentation) ACR.” You may not use or share (e.g. in the form of a link) the ACR Image Library on any network, internet, or intranet without express written permission from ACR. Images and associated captions may not be incorporated into any work that is published, such as a journal without express written permission from ACR.

Image Competition

Contribute to the Image Library

The annual Image Competition showcases the finest images in rheumatology at ACR Convergence and offers an opportunity to contribute to one of the most distinguished online medical image collections. Images are characteristic or unusual manifestations of rheumatic disease that serve as an invaluable educational tool for rheumatology professionals.

Image Competition submissions for ACR Convergence 2024 are closed. Submitter and winner notifications will be sent in late August.

Image Competition Winning Image Article Approval Process

Excerpts or the entirety of the winning image article published in Arthritis & Rheumatology may not be reproduced without the prior written permission of the publisher. Send permission requests to:

Permissions Department
c/o John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
111 River Street
Hoboken, NJ 07030
Fax: 201-748-6008

Commercial entities seeking permission to reprint must obtain all materials from the contributor and/or publisher John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The ACR cannot provide any materials.

Image Competition Embargo

Accepted images are published on the ACR Image Library. The winning image will be published in an issue of our scientific journal, Arthritis & Rheumatology. Under embargo, the ACR requires that accepted images not be published in any other publication until November 14 (10:00 AM ET). Violation of this policy may result in the image being withdrawn from the competition, removed from the Image Library, and other measures deemed appropriate. If you have questions about the Image Embargo Policy, please contact us at

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