Practice Help

The responsibilities and requirements of practice management include managing the revenue cycle, compliance regulations, human resources, health information, and general business processes. The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) practice management department understands it can be difficult to keep up with the changing policies and compounding requirements all while continuing to serve patients. To ease the burden, the ACR has compiled and created key resources and tools to navigate the changing landscape of coding, documentation, billing, and practice guidelines.

About ACR Practice Help

Coding regulations and edits can change several times a year. All coding advice is based on the most current information available at the time of publication. When in doubt, visit the American Medical Association or the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services for the most recent updates.

Information provided by our coding experts is copyrighted by the ACR and intended for individual practice use only.

New Members Only Resource: Billing Guidance for Wasted/Discarded Drugs

Download the ACR educational guidance on billing for drug wastage of single-dose and multi-dose vials to minimize any potential waste and/or abuse.

Download Drug Wastage Guidance

Members Only Resources

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 Encounter Forms

 Health Plan Complaint Form

Practice Help Resources

interdisciplinary rheumatology care team collaboration

Patient Care

Roles of the Interdisciplinary Rheumatology Team

To work together effectively, clinicians and rheumatology professionals need to understand the roles of every member of the interdisciplinary team. Explore our new series of fact sheets that describe the modern roles of members of the interdisciplinary care team.

Explore Fact Sheets
The Value of Rheumatology White Paper

New White Paper

The Value of Rheumatology

The Clinical & Economic Value of Rheumatology: An Analysis of Market Supply and Utilization in the United States, a white paper jointly published by the ACR and ECG Management Consultants, aims to highlight the clinical and economic value of rheumatology patient care. The ACR has also released a position statement on the value of rheumatology.

Read White Paperexternal link opens in a new tab.

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