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ACR Convergence 2024 Preview Video Thumbnail

ACR Convergence 2024 Preview Video

Members-only registration is open!


ACR Convergence 2024 will be held November 14–19 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. See registration and housing details. The letter of invitation and visa requirements can be accessed online. We look forward to seeing you this fall!

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doctor health professional reviewing documents coding

Featured Membership Benefit

Help Your Practice Stay Compliant

As a benefit of ACR/ARP membership, the ACR offers the Certified Rheumatology Coder Course certification and exam at a discount to help you and your practice remain compliant. Our ACR coding experts will schedule a time to come in person to your practice to teach the course and offer the exam. Explore this and other critical member benefits for practices when you join ACR/ARP.

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